Sunday, July 14, 2013

Never say "Good-bye"--- just "So long for now." Alaska Day 10 July 12, 2012

I don't like leaving things undone, so I will finish our blog with one last entry for final day in Anchorage, Alaska and our arrival back home this morning on July 13th.
I am kind of sad to be ending these blogs. Although, I must admit I am also a bit relieved that I am finished with my nightly ritual of uploading photos, writing about the day and sitting up late to post a new blog. It has been a nice habit to get in to with reflecting on the day every day. Being intentional about remembering details of each day, taking in all in so I can write about it later is really a calming and positive ritual to get in to. It has made me get in to the habit to stop and think more about what I do every day, what happens around me, what people say, do, express, etc. It would be nice if we as humans spent more time being intentional about our relationships and our interactions with the world in general.
Friday was a day for all to sleep in after being up late the night before with worship, a bit of last night rowdiness with the anticipation of our group splitting up and going their separate ways. Some slept right through breakfast and wondered why there wasn't any left at 11:30 when they finally came to hang out among the living. The morning agenda included getting all bags packed up and in the gym before we could do anything else for the day. Not sure exactly who was the one to sneak in and make such a huge mess out of my stuff in my little corner of the gym! It certainly couldn't have been ME! ( was me....). After getting all things together, we packed lunches and headed downtown for some last shopping and exploring opportunities ore to just enjoy the beautiful day in Alaska! The weather was just gorgeous for our last day. Chris got in his last couple of hours for fishing in Alaska, the kids got in their last couple of hours of shopping and Steve and Suzanne were able to catch the downtown Anchorage walking tour. I met a really cool Red Husky named Tobias in the park with his owners and got in a good puppy fix. Tobias was a little leery of me at first but after I bought him a hot dog from the corner stand and fed it to while he sang for his supper he told me he would be by best friend forever! I totally believe him too!
After our afternoon downtown we headed back to load up the U-Haul truck with our bags and to have one last dinner with people from Shiloh and the Prairie Baptist group and to say our good-byes. It is always amazing to me how quickly bonds are made with people from different places when you are working, playing and staying together in a Christian community like a mission trip. At the beginning of our stay in Anchorage when we all met for the first time it seemed a little awkward and our two groups were a little separated still. That is normal, but even after the first day, friendships start forming, we find we have things in common even though we live a thousand miles apart or more. As each day goes by those friendships deepen, we experience deep moments of worship while singing, learn to trust and rely on one another as we briefly get lost in the fog together, while praying in the 130 degree temperatures of a sweat lodge ceremony together, we feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose together as we finish a work project or make progress towards a goal, we find God moments in each other as our journey in missions continue and all along knowing that at some point this particular experience will end and we will have to part ways for home. It can be and is a very emotional moment for some as we hug each other before parting and exchange information promising to text, Facebook or email. (In my days at camp when I was younger is was "write a letter" or call on the phone if our parents would allow a long distance phone call every once in a while!). We make plans to see each other again, to work along side each other some other time and place and we wish each other well. As a leader of some amazing, wonderfully talented, funny, smart, sometimes maddening but always lovable youth it makes me feel good when I witness the bonds and friendships the kids make on these trips. It makes the lack of sleep, the long days, the hard work and planning, the hard moments and frustrations all worth it to see and hear how meaningful those bonds are for them and it makes me smile. (Occasionally there is a tear).
I would like to thank our Calvary Youth for being such amazing young people who make an positive impact no matter where there go, what they are working on or how many travel for youth trips. You never cease to amazing me with your level of hard work, your dedication and support to each other and our willingness to make a difference in the world. 
I want to thank Calvary Baptist Church of Denver for always showing so much support in our young people and the leaders who love leading them. Thank you to the parents of our youth. Without  your support of our work and your kids, we would not be able to experience these trips!
To Vicki Goff, the National Coordinator of Volunteer and Disaster Response Ministries with the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, I say THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU for the totally amazing job you did in creating a trip of a lifetime for our youth and adults on such a meaningful experience! Your talents are endless! Plus now you can say you made it to the top of Flat Top!
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Anchorage, Alaska deserves a servants medal for taking on 60 youth and adults to house in your church and buildings! Thank you for all of your care, love, support and hospitality while we were there.
To Prairie  Baptist Church and Pastor Kyle, I say thank you so much for meeting and combining with us to create a special and amazing missions experience! It would not have been the same with out your group matched with ours.
To the Alaska Child and Family-- thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your willingness to take on a missions team larger than any you had previously! I hope we knocked your socks off with all the work that was done while we were there. We were truly blessed in our work and experience there and hope it was a blessing to you as well.
Below are a few last photos and then I will say "So long for now" to this Alaska Missions Blog. Maybe some day I can add a second chapter to this one!
God bless each of you and your families!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Stairway to Heaven.... Day 9 Alaska Missions July 11, 2013

Heaven can be found in many ways......
10. Amazing worship with people you share a love of Christ with.
9. Working along side of some fabulous youth and having so much fun that when you are finished with the job you are sad and don't mind starting another one.
8. A shower that is actually WARM the entire shower!
7. Singing and worshiping at 11:30 at night with some amazing musicians that join you in Alaska even though you are so tired you could just hurl!
6. Starbucks Coffee at 7 AM EVERY MORNING!
5. God keeping you safe while going shopping at Walmart at 11:45 PM for supplies that for some reason you couldn't go shopping for at a more normal hour!?
4. Getting to SLEEP IN until 8:30 after not getting to bed until 1:30 AM the night before!
3. Pancakes for dinner at iHop!
2. Susitna River ---- FISHING!
......And ....the number 1. way of reaching the "Stairway to Heaven" is .... Standing at the top of the hill at the Independence Mine in Alaska with the youth group and taking such an amazing photo of them smiling and loving life!
I am not sure how many different ways to say ALASKA IS SO AMAZING but ...... ALASKA IS SO AMAZING!
We slept in! Had a late breakfast and headed north about noon today for a short drive near Palmer, AK to the Independence Mine at Hatcher Pass.
We stopped along the Susitna River and dropped Chris off so he could try and catch us some dinner!
What breath taking views of the river, the mountain peaks covered in green lush vegetation and a peaceful feeling as we headed up towards the mine.
We had lunch just below the historic mine park and then split off in two groups for a few hours. One group went on a hike and one group went up to the mine. There is no way to fully describe and I am not really that great of a writer, so I will add several photos....which speak for themselves!
We stopped near the river so Chris could jump back in the van and begin telling his tales of fishing and time on the river.
We stopped at iHop for dinner and then headed back to Anchorage where we had a meaningful time of reflection, worship and singing with our amazing musicians David Rogers from Chicago, Illinois and Jordan Poortanga from Grand Rapids, Wisconsin. We have been so blessed this week to have David and Jordan with us in worship and fun in our work and adventures.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

...Goin' to Alaska.....gonna eat a lot of SALMON!.......

Those of you who woke up and were really excited about reading the blog update (yes, all 3 of you! LOL)........... Sorry....but.....yeah, that was so not happening this morning at 1 AM when we returned from our long and amazing day touring to the south of Anchorage to Seward!
The ONLY thing on my mind when the van pulled in to the parking lot was.....where is my cot? Where is my sleepy eye mask and ...... SLEEP!
Wednesday was our day of exploring and traveling south with Vicki and the Prairie group on Seward Highway, stopping along the way for a lot of scenic and wildlife views. We had a really cool CD in each vehicle to narrate historical information as well as geological facts as we made our way south. It was such a neat way to have our travel enhanced. We stopped at several places, including the Wildlife Conservation Center and a hike to see Exit Glacier. At the conservation center we got a close up look at many protected animals such as an eagle who had one wing and was rescued 14 years ago and has been there ever since. We were able to see 2 different types of bears, moose musk ox and tundra bison. I can't really tell you what the Exit Glacier actually LOOKED like as I only made it as far as the bathroom at the entrance to the trail head. I was very, very tired and decided I needed to take advantage of the 45 we would be there to take a nap. Safety comes first when it comes and driving the van! So, I can tell you what the view from the van seat looking down onto the floor under the seats was prior to my falling asleep.....A blue Black Forest Camp water bottle, three candy wrappers, a random sock (not sure whose), 2 jackets and a hoodie, an empty have crunched Izzie drink can a shoe (not sure if the person was wearing the other one or if it was in the van somewhere, and the new wolf hat that Taylor bought and left in the van since purchasing said hat. After that, it's pretty much all a blur until the kids came back from their hike to the glacier! I heard it was very cool you should ask a youth about it! As we pulled into the town of Seward and towards the bay the excitement about our evening cruise. Especially all of our over achiever eaters who were really looking forward to the all you can eat dinner of salmon and prime rib!
We pulled in just in time to get in line to board the boat. Darn! I had been hoping we could do a little shopping in the cute little town. Hmmmmm.....Maybe that was planned that way on purpose by the guys of the group!?
What a beautiful evening for a cruise! The sun was out, light breezes and a pretty calm sea were the conditions for the evening. Once on board and as we set out into the Fjord (don't know what a Fjord is? --- I really didn't either until yesterday -- I guess you could Google it) most of us headed outside to the upper deck and the top deck for the best views. Wow! And what views they were! Beautiful blue water next to the high, green lush mountains. We filled up on yummy salmon, prime rib, rice and fresh made sour dough bread, then headed out to watch for wildlife along the shores, glaciers, dolphins, whales, sea lions and birds. Guess what!?!?! We saw ALL of those and more! It was such an amazing bonding time for both youth groups, adults and all. A lot of the youth (and adult leaders) were even sworn in as Jr Rangers! How exciting!
As we pulled into the harbor we counted kids and realized that we had been lucky enough not to lose even one! So parents, if you were hoping to have another couple weeks of silence around your house, you are out of luck!
We headed back to Anchorage at about 10:45 for our long trek back to our beds. The night sky still being pretty bright really helped with keeping drivers awake! In one of the vans on the way back our music leader team David and Jordan decided it was "Story Time" and told several made up on the spot stories with amazing improvisational skills! It was very entertaining!
We pulled into the parking lot a little after 1 AM and went straight to bed feeling tired from our fun and new experiences to dream about.
In the morning guess what we get to do?!?!? That's right......SLEEP IN!!!!!